The president of the Jewish Community of Oporto, Gabriel Senderowicz, and the vice-president, Dara Jeffries, participated in the online conference "Raíces de Sefarad: La Comunidad Judía de Porto".
The president of the Jewish Community of Oporto, Gabriel Senderowicz, and the vice-president, Dara Jeffries, participated in the online conference "Raíces de Sefarad: La Comunidad Judía de Porto".
American billionaire says he supports the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
Depois de Rosh Hashaná e de Yom Kippur, os judeus comemoram a chamada festa das cabanas. O presente mês hebraico de Tishrei é intenso em termos de celebrações.
The seven-day holiday of Sukkot begins this year on the evening of Shabbat.
Judicial reform has not gone the way the government hoped, with the Supreme Court taking the opportunity to secure even more power, observers tell JNS.
Countries around the world are facing acute water shortages and Israel can provide a solution.