
Headed by commissioner Marta Santos Pais, who has served as Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Violence against Children, the National Programme about the Holocaust...

At 5.30 pm on 27 January at Oeiras Municipal Library, Memoshoá, Associação Memória e Ensino do Holocausto, whose purpose is to develop work on the education and remembrance of the Holocaust, will...

This is a tale of incredible perseverance. Eight decades after his aunt, called Sewusia Fajwlowicz, disappeared in Piotrków, Poland, a member of the Jewish community of Oporto has been trying to...

When the Second World War closed its horrific gates Zina Kleinman Liebermann was 23 years old and her entire family had been assassinated. She survived the slaughter.

On May 13th, representatives of the Portuguese Jewish community gathered in a highly sentimental ceremony at the Holocaust Museum of Oporto.

Regina Reisman Schuman, born in the parish of Vitória in Oporto on 12 December 1897, presented proof of her identity with a birth entry she submitted to the Portuguese consulate in the French city of...