Opinion: The American film industry has always positioned itself as the defender of the rights of the weak and defenseless; Jewish director Jonathan Glazer's Oscar acceptance speech proves that...

Adolf Hitler has many advocates among the Palestinians. And not only among Hamas. The chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, a renowned Holocaust denier, even at his ripe old age (and...

In a couple of weeks Jews around the world will observe the holiday of Purim, celebrating the defeat of Haman and his minions who planned to exterminate the entire Jewish community of the Persian...

That dark Saturday of Oct. 7 was a turning point in Israeli, Jewish, Middle Eastern and world history. The atrocities perpetrated that day have not yet been fully researched and documented; the...

The maritime border agreement signed by Israel and Lebanon in October 2022 constituted a significant development in the relationship between the two countries. The potential for natural gas...

I am a father, a husband, a writer, an emergency physician in a level-one trauma center in Indianapolis. But after Oct. 7, I realized that, above all things, I am a Jew. That’s exactly what I told my...