After Oct. 7, the revival of Jewish life in the country is a lesson in resistance and rebirth.

O calendário judaico mostra hoje o décimo quinto dia do mês de Shevat. As famílias juntam-se. Os filhos rejubilam. É altura de celebrar o Ano Novo das árvores da terra de Israel, que emergem do seu...

The post-Oct. 7 information war against Israel has many fronts. Some involve the denial of the unspeakable atrocities committed by Hamas during its pogroms in southern Israel. Others concern...

O massacre em sete de outubro na fronteira de Israel e Gaza é um divisor de águas na compreensão do mundo contemporâneo. O apoio declarado ou a simpatia envergonhada de governos, partidos e...

A hundred days have passed since life was halted, the skies darkened, and we, all of us, were exposed to a boiling and horrifying cauldron of terror and deep-seated hatred unleashed upon us. One...

The action of the Portuguese Socialist Party government that operated for the last four years and is now in a caretaker capacity until the March 2024 elections (having collapsed with a crash due to a...