For the memory to endure, the International Observatory of Human Rights (IOHR) based in Portugal, decided in fulfilment of its mission and in the scope of human rights to pay a just and well-merited...

Since 2012, the Educational Services of the Jewish Community of Porto have received well over 130,000 visitors, the overwhelming majority of which are young people attending school on study visits...

In the library of Oporto synagogue there is a history book that is adopted in schools. It is a 5th-year manual entitled “History and Geography of Portugal”, a work with a large circulation, dated...

Among the tenets most central to the practice of Judaism are kosher religious slaughter (shechita) and circumcision (brit milah). Both are based on our history throughout the millennia and have been...

Belmonte preserves the moving history of the local Jewish community. After the harsh royal decision of 1496 that expelled the Jews, the Belmonte Jews were those who, while appearing to convert to...

Music is at the heart and soul of Jewish ritual observance. This is evident in the melodies that express the meaning of daily prayers, Sabbath services, holiday observance, and the special events of...