B"H The word chesed means kindness or benevolence. It denotes the unbounded loving-kindness with which G‑d created the world and with which all of creation is permeated, as the verse states, "The...

B"H One Sunday afternoon, I was feeding lunch to my family and looked up to see a man in our dining room. I didn’t hear him walk in (our front door is usually unlocked, and people often walk in). The...

On April 19, 1506, a pogrom broke out in Lisbon, Portugal, led by Dominican priests shouting “Death to the Jews!” Rioters following these fanatical churchmen through the city streets ended up...

In 1902, in Tsarist Russia, an outrageous forgery was created. ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ attempted to tar the Jewish People with the preposterous charge of world domination. The...

B"H We often forget the bad things that happened to our people, either because it is hurtful to recall such facts or because we prefer to expunge from our minds that which made us suffer. Older people...

When you have youngsters from interfaith families at your seder table, it can’t help but up the Passover ante.Maybe you are the kids’ auntie, or their grandparent, cousin, neighbor or friend. And...