The Israel Defense Forces will retain full security control over the Gaza Strip after the war with Hamas ends, giving it the freedom to operate there similarly to the way it currently does in Judea...

After Oct. 7, the revival of Jewish life in the country is a lesson in resistance and rebirth.

O calendário judaico mostra hoje o décimo quinto dia do mês de Shevat. As famílias juntam-se. Os filhos rejubilam. É altura de celebrar o Ano Novo das árvores da terra de Israel, que emergem do seu...

The post-Oct. 7 information war against Israel has many fronts. Some involve the denial of the unspeakable atrocities committed by Hamas during its pogroms in southern Israel. Others concern...

O massacre em sete de outubro na fronteira de Israel e Gaza é um divisor de águas na compreensão do mundo contemporâneo. O apoio declarado ou a simpatia envergonhada de governos, partidos e...

A hundred days have passed since life was halted, the skies darkened, and we, all of us, were exposed to a boiling and horrifying cauldron of terror and deep-seated hatred unleashed upon us. One...