B"H In the weekly portion of Tazria-Metsora, The Bible deals with different ways of becoming impure and the rules to follow to return to the state of purity. One of the cases causing impurity is...

In the world of “identity politics”, the Jews are the only ones who do not appear on the radar. This perplexity is formulated by David Baddiel in Jews Don’t Count: How Identity Politics Fails One...

The years of World War II became a huge tragedy for the Jewish population of Europe. Over many years of planned destruction, millions of Jews were killed. The Shoah is one of the worst tragedies of...

As United Nations Holocaust Memorial Day approaches later this month it is an occasion to pause and reflect not only on the terrible events which will forever scar our history but also how those...

B"H King Solomon ends his book, Mishlei with the verse: “Grace is false, and beauty vain; a woman who fears Hashem, she should be praised.” In other words, you cannot praise a woman for her beauty...

As this year is coming to a close, we take stock and try to assess what 2021 has brought to our world and whether developments affected the realities of the Jewish world and those of Israel.Sadly,...