We met up in Lisbon with a survivor of the Kaunas ghetto in Lithuania and a Nazi camp in Poland. Zina Liebermann, born on 22 February 1922, is Portuguese to the core of her being but she does not...

In the Talmud is a saying that is radically true and wise: “We are all compelled to choose the path we wish to follow”. Our paths are personal, free and responsible choices, true. Driven by criteria...

(January 27, 2020 / The Tablet) A collaboration that stands as a beacon of hope for others and a re-awakening of Jewish life in Oporto and beyond. Oporto is steeped in Catholicism. While our city may...

This is the greeting of peace of the three monotheistic religions, all stemming from the common trunk of the Prophet Abraham (may God’s Peace be with him). We believe in all the prophets that God sent...

B"H In the Book of Shemot, the enslaved Israelites in Egypt gathered together and the great leader of the Jewish people rose up: Moses. Moses first makes his appearance as a three-month old baby and...

At the western end of the great Eurasia, Europe has been the scene of countless wars for centuries, the most violent, deadly and barbaric. Religious wars, clashes due to nationalism, civil wars for...