By Niki Haley - JNS On May 14, 2018, something incredible happened. The United States finally opened our embassy in Jerusalem, 23 years after we first promised to do so. This was an important moment...

On May 15 and 16, the annual congress of the European Jewish Association will take place in the Portuguese city of Oporto. Antisemitism will be a major issue discussed by the scholars from around the...

By Miriam Assor Rabbi Renè Samuel Sirat was a humanist. Peace fighter. A thinker of our times. Studious. Congregator. I had the privilege of knowing him. When launching “Luz”, a book that my family...

Imagine if a group of white nationalists marched through the campus of any major university in the U.S. calling for the lynching of African-Americans. Much like the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville,...

We are approaching a crucial moment in the construction of the universal memory of this genocide: the one in which future generations will no longer have the opportunity to hear face-to-face, live...

The campaign against the incoming government is undermining Israel at home and abroad.