The concept of asylum can be seen as a place of refuge, a place to escape danger. Although the Jews have lived in the region uninterruptedly for more than three millennia, the state of Israel was...

Hoje ao anoitecer começa a festa judaica de Shavuot, que assinala a entrega da Torá ao povo judeu no Monte Sinai há 3300 anos. As sinagogas do mundo inteiro exalam perfume natural. Flores, verdes e...

In a move certain to exacerbate tensions between Jerusalem and the United Nations, Secretary-General António Guterres will place Israel on its annual so-called list of shame. Each year, Guterres...

Citing ‘anonymous officials’ for political purposes

The Holocaust is the policy of the Nazis, their allies and collaborators in the persecution and mass extermination of Jews from 1933 to 1945. The Holocaust did not begin with the murder of Jews....

I would define suffering as the heart-breaking melody that resonates in the most intimate corners of the human being. That dark experience capable of overshadowing and eclipsing even the brightest...