A collective sigh of relief was heard across Israel as the results of the U.S. presidential election were declared. But we cannot rest on our laurels. At this critical juncture, Israel must carefully...

Deny it though he may, the evidence produced in a House Committee on Education and the Workforce report about antisemitism on college campuses is an appropriate coda to Sen. Chuck Schumer’s...

I knelt in Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue several days after the attack. Six years ago this week. It was still a crime scene. I felt the bullet holes in the walls. In the prayer books. I remember...

Believe it or not, the hero of this week’s Torah portion, Noah, needed a not-so-gentle push to get him into the Ark that he himself had built!  “And Noah, his sons, his wife and his sons’ wives went...

It is not the norm in Israel today to have a broad-based, across-the-aisle consensual vote in the Knesset that results in the passage of legislation. Yet that is exactly what happened this week, as 92...

The phenomenon of playing with terminology—altering the original meanings of words, replacing intentions of expressions, mistranslating and reversing narratives—has become the weapon of choice of the...