In the history of humanity, the story of migration and displacement is as old as civilisation. Tradition shows that from Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden to Noah’s family’s epic...

The age-old adage, “One person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter,” captures a supposed ambiguity in terrorism. Indiscriminate violence in the advance of political motives, terrorism, has...


War is a defeat for humanity, a drama against children, a forced divider of friends and neighbours, a series of catastrophes. As a person living in Morocco, I will say a few words about our history of...

Racism, a problem that has plagued societies for centuries, finds one of its most enduring and harrowing manifestations in anti-Semitism. At the heart of this insidious prejudice lies a deep-seated...

Xenophobia understood as the dislike for strange, unusual people or people who come from outside the country is now a trend. The history of humanity is marked by intolerance and hatred towards ethnic...

The Holocaust happened 80 years ago. I always imagined that it would be centuries before there were further discriminations against human beings in general and the Jews in particular. But, today, I...