This constitutionalist, with his extensive academic and political curriculum, has done much for the Jewish community, just as he had already done for other minority communities.
This constitutionalist, with his extensive academic and political curriculum, has done much for the Jewish community, just as he had already done for other minority communities.
Hungary’s government is despised by liberals. But Budapest is Israel’s only real ally in the European Union and, as long as Viktor Orbán remains in power, the Jews there are safe.
Saved from the Nazi gas chambers during the Holocaust, the community was reborn in the nascent state of Israel.
The Choir is a project of the Porto Jewish Community.
Anyone who walks through the streets of Porto could not imagine that in the middle of Rua Guerra de Junqueiro is the largest Synagogue in the Iberian Peninsula, the Kadoorie – Mekor Haim Synagogue.
The first night of Chanukah gathered a crowd on all floors of the Kadoorie synagogue.