

Approximately 60,000 Greek Jews were victims of the Holocaust. Most were of Portuguese origin.

Harpo Marx wrote a letter on 4 April 1941 to the United States Ambassador to Lisbon requesting his intervention to save a relative trapped in Naples.

At a service commemorating victims of the Nazi Holocaust, the United Nations' Secretary-General decried the resurgence of antisemitism.

On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the last survivor of the Women’s Orchestra of Auschwitz, Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, is categorical: no memorial could come close to what actually happened....

Headed by commissioner Marta Santos Pais, who has served as Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Violence against Children, the National Programme about the Holocaust...

At 5.30 pm on 27 January at Oeiras Municipal Library, Memoshoá, Associação Memória e Ensino do Holocausto, whose purpose is to develop work on the education and remembrance of the Holocaust, will...