Second Temple period phylacteries found near Qumran underwent a battery of scientific tests.
Second Temple period phylacteries found near Qumran underwent a battery of scientific tests.
Program involves viewing and debate with important personalities.
The Choir is a project of the Porto Jewish Community.
Anyone who walks through the streets of Porto could not imagine that in the middle of Rua Guerra de Junqueiro is the largest Synagogue in the Iberian Peninsula, the Kadoorie – Mekor Haim Synagogue.
An international jury awarded this feature film the Augusta Grand Prize for best film, the Augusta Prize for best director (Luis Ismael) and the Augusta Prize for best actor (Rodrigo Santos).
O trailer será apresentado em 30 de dezembro de 2023 e a produção cinematográfica inteira terá estreia mundial em 19 de abril de 2024.