The cartoon offends the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust and also the survivors of this terrible extermination and their descendants.
The cartoon offends the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust and also the survivors of this terrible extermination and their descendants.
The Community is also being very badly treated and accused of having sold Portuguese nationality in exchange for money.
The Holocaust Museum of Oporto welcomes schools from all over the country.
"To the ancient persecutions of Jews based on the ideas of religion, culture, race, money, and success, now is added the despicable hatred of the State of Israel."
"Às milenares perseguições aos judeus assentes nas ideias de religião, cultura, raça, dinheiro e sucesso, soma-se agora o ódio desprezível ao Estado de Israel."
The Music and Spoliations association identifies the instruments and returns them to previous owners.