A Jewish official who contributed to the final wording of the EU Strategy on combating anti-semitism and fostering Jewish life (2021 - 2030) assured the PJN that “the request of the Oporto community is a trial by fire for the European Union because there are already four countries interested and asking questions about this sensitive subject, but with neither laws nor tools to fight the challenges of modern anti-Semitism, including BDS and sponsors of Shia terrorism, it would be something that would surprise me if they found an independent committee to do an investigation in Portugal”.
Gabriel Senderowicz, President of the Jewish Community of Oporto, says that "With its Synagogues, Museums, feature films and many more, the Community is now one of the strongest single Jewish organizations in the world in terms of religion, culture, education and social utility. The governments of the strongest countries are informed in detail about the conspiracy. The effort we made for years to enhance Jewish life in Portugal has now become an effort to find the criminals.”
A Community board member for legal affairs, David Garrett, states "the political regime needs to survive the acts that may have been committed by a handful of people from the ruling elites. They do not represent Portugal, they embarrass the country. The brazen way in which everything was done indicates that no care was taken in the communications. We do not give much importance to the "Open Door style" anonymous letters that have reached us in recent months, but we will not give up to know details and to write a book about that. Now it is useless to erase written communications.", he adds.
The following request was made by the Oporto Jewish Community to the European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish Life, and explains how a handful of people from the Portuguese elites trampled on the basic principles of a European State to destroy the strongest Jewish realities in Portugal:
"Considering that the Jewish Community of Oporto
- Annually holds the best Yom Kippur in Europe and has opened new synagogues
- Could be Europe’s model for fostering Jewish life
- Is the only one that owns a Holocaust Museum that welcomes 40,000 children a year
- Produced the most awarded Portuguese film ever
- Is the owner of one of the best Jewish Museums in Europe
- Wrote an open letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations complaining about antisemitism in Portugal
- Offered world governments a book that explains an antisemitic plan on pages 28-48
- Filed a complaint with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office accusing State agents of having used robbers, convicts and murderers against the Community
- Saw its French students send a devastating missive to the Portuguese parliament
- Complained about the attempted murder of a young French Jew
We ask you:
Does the European Union have any way, any means, of carrying out an independent investigation into what happened, or must we wait for someone to die?
More information:
- What began as, in the words of the President of the Republic, a “Palestinian cause of the Minister of Foreign Affairs”, probably with too many interests behind, gave rise, over time, to an unthinkable association of different forces (some linked to high crime and others to political, economic, media and judiciary elites) that converged to the total and implacable persecution of all significant Jewish realities connected with Portugal: the strongest national Jewish community, the most capable leaders, the wealthiest Jews, B’nai B’rith International Portugal and, of course, the “law of the Sephardim”.
https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/jewish-world/2023/02/in-portugal-an-invitation-for-the-descendants-of-expelled-jews-to-return-became-the-basis-of-an-anti-semitic-campaign/ and Minutes n.º 86 CIP/CJP, 22 September 2020, insert on pages. 269 and following of the book https://oportojewishheritage.com/ and pages 30-40.
- A large-scale anti-Semitic action took place in Portugal using criminals and the press who intended to defame the country's strongest Jewish community, destroy Jewish leadership, halt the influx of Israeli citizens, and end the law that granted Portuguese citizenship to Jews of Portuguese origin.
https://ejpress.org/the-jewish-community-of-oporto-calls-on-the-european-union-to-investigate-a-case-of-soviet-style-antisemitism-in-portugal/ and
- In early 2022, State agents gathered together anonymous denunciations from the scum of society, reduced the so-called Sephardic law to the fees charged by the Jewish Community of Oporto, spread the word that the leaders of this community embezzled the organisation’s money, involved them in suspicions of corruption and created an atmosphere of terror and hostile news through the agency of half a dozen handpicked journalists. Week after week, entire families were subject to a holocaust of exposure in the newspapers, dragged by their hair onto television, all based on anonymous denunciations. No one escaped this type of Inquisition-style “purification”, from religious and secular leaders – rabbis, presidents, former presidents, vice-presidents, treasurers, members, secretaries – as well as the museologist and the doorkeeper.
- Agents of the State and some friends (journalists, influencers and failed politicians) collected anonymous denunciations thought up by convicted persons (vg. Criminal cases number 10444/16.0T9PRT, 1557/08.3PPPRT, 843/17.6JAPRT and another in a distant country).
- Attached to the anonymous denunciations of convicted persons were “negligible information” that was stolen at night from a law office and a private home by professional burglars. The two victims had never suffered any kind of robbery during their lifes of more than fifty years. Complaints were lodged with the police (Cases number 35/22.2PJPRT and 1047/22.1PIPRT, and certainly exist other similar cases).
Points 148 and 149 of the complaint https://firstmajorconspiracy.com/
- Agents of State fired the president of SIRESP whose computers were stolen some days later by professional burglars who also attacked the homes of other people they wanted to incriminate. This lady had never suffered any kind of robbery during her life of more than fifty years. A complaint was lodged with the police (Case number 00/22LSB).
Point 150 of the complaint to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (https://firstmajorconspiracy.com/), https://amp.expresso.pt/politica/2022-04-02-Sirespgate-gestora-impugna-exoneracao-a-cinco-dias-de-o-novo-Governo-tomar-posse-618db407 and https://www.jn.pt/nacional/amp/depois-do-consultor-governo-afasta-presidente-da-siresp-14716127.html
- Agents of State ordered an investigation exclusively aimed at the Jewish Community of Oporto, an investigation which has been and continues to be carried out by the Attorney General of the Republic and Judiciary Police whose directors they appointed.
https://www.tsf.pt/sociedade/justica/nomeacao-de-lucilia-gago-e-uma-continuidade-do-trabalho-9885313.html and https://justica.gov.pt/Noticias/Luis-Neves-tomou-posse-como-Diretor-Nacional-da-PJ
- The Attorney General of the Republic had direct interference in the centralization of all garbage collected – Proc. No. 183/22.9T9LSB, order on February 4, 2022 –, and Ironically she said she wanted to "safeguard the credibility of the Portuguese State" (Yes, yes, the future will show this "credibility").
https://www.jns.org/opinion/an-open-letter-to-the-un-secretary-general-from-the-portuguese-jewish-community/ and https://www.jns.org/oporto-jewish-community-files-complaint-with-eu-over-anti-semitic-abuse/
- The Director General of the Judiciary Police had public meetings with State agents linked to the entire plot against the Jewish community in Oporto, including a socialist deputy linked to a case of “pure anti-Semitism” and who “even compared the reproduction of Sephardim to the coronavirus".
https://setemargens.com/nacionalidade-para-sefarditas-perplexidades-perante-a-proposta-antissemita-de-alteracao-a-lei/ and Joshua Ruah, “Um Judeu de Lisboa”, Caminho, 2022, page. 157
- In March 2022, the Community's reputation was destroyed worldwide. Police from Lisbon (at the behest of political, media and judiciary elites from Lisbon) raided the Oporto Synagogue and the Jewish Museum and arrested the rabbi on the basis of anonymous denunciations that attributed to him acts of corruption by two people he does not know (one certified by the Jewish community of Lisbon, the other by the community of origin) and accusing him of corrupting registry offices he never visited; also community leaders were accused of stealing money, “suitcases” were searched for at the home of the Vice President (the granddaughter of the ‘Portuguese Dreyfus’), the construction company of a community contractor suspected of issuing certifications of Sephardi origin and an official statement from the authorities spread the news that the community was also indicted for drug trafficking.
- The operation tried to destroy the Jewish Community of Oporto (as in 1497), seize its assets (as in 1497), expel its members (as in 1497), invade the big synagogue (as in 1497), humiliate the Community’s leaders (as in 1497), take advantage of nocturnal raiders and convicts to incriminate people (as in 1542), throw the alleged suspects onto a public bonfire (as in 1618), faithfully protect anonymous denunciations and anonymous denunciators (as was the case with the Inquisition and in 1936, with the “Portuguese Dreyfus” case) and more.
https://www.jns.org/portuguese-jewish-community-slandered-in-campaign-against-sephardic-law/ and https://oportojewishheritage.com/, page 41.
- In June 2022, the Community shared with society that it is going to exhibit this antisemitic conspiracy and names of State agents at the Jewish Museum. Shortly after this statement was made, on July 14 the police searched the Museum curator’s house and were pressuring him for hours trying to find a mysterious “flash drive”. Presumably they wanted to find and destroy what the Community planned to share at the Museum.
Point 154 of the complaint https://firstmajorconspiracy.com/.
- In September 2022, the Court of Appeal said that criminal charges against the Jewish Community of Oporto were "based on nothing," something the Oporto police had already stated in 2021.
- Nobody apologized to the Community, the Synagogue and its leaders. State agents are now terrified of mounting "another case", whatever it may be, with spit between their fingers, on an anti-Semitic base that Portugal has not seen since the Inquisition. In the meantime, authorities already got the response they deserved. More than five hundred people gathered inside the Synagogue to celebrate Purim and promises were heard that, like Haman, the antisemites would hang from the ropes they had prepared for others. The images of the feast of Purim and of the large crowd present were immediately sent to be attached to the horrifying proceedings which qualified magistrates had been forced to carry out by their superiors, in a fit of anger.
https://www.jns.org/opinion/the-jewish-community-of-oportos-criteria-for-sephardic-certification-over-a-seven-year-period/ and https://oportojewishheritage.com/, page 38.
- On November 28, 2022 agents of State received in Parliament a petition by 44 French Jewish students from universities in Oporto asking the State to “never again” attack the Jewish Community. The first signatory of the petition suffered an attempt on his life the following day. A complaint was lodged with the police (Case number 002042/22.6PIPRT).
https://oportojewishheritage.com/, page 40 and
- Agents of State followed a strategy of Soviet-style antisemitism whose base was primarily the use of criminals and the press to defame the most important Jewish communities, to associate them with immoral businesses and then to try the rabbis for fictitious corruption. Weak communities linked to existing powers were used to serve as propaganda, like a musical instrument. In fact, the Soviet Union, despite its State atheism and rejection of the Jewish cosmopolitan element, avoided destroying all Synagogues and Jewish communities, lest it be accused of acting against the Jews and attracting bad international publicity. It maintained more than twenty Synagogues as partners of the regime, such as the great Synagogues of Moscow, Leningrado and Odessa, while destroying others. In Lvov, Jarkov, Tshernovitz, Bobruisk, Smolensk and hundreds of other cities, the Synagoguecommunities with some strength were closed, one by one, always in the same way. It used the press and slanderers to associate the Synagogues with business deals. It described such business deals as immoral or illegal. It evoked negative reactions from a part of public opinion and some Jews and it sought the destruction of the respectability of these Jewish organizations as promoters of Jewish life.
Ari Benami, “Between the Hammer and Sickle”, Bloch Editions, 1968, pp. 66-70, https://www.biblio.com/book/between-hammer-sickle-ben-ami-ari/d/258866106
- In their eagerness to destroy the strong community of Oporto and to spare that of Lisbon, agents of the State invented dangerous links between law offices, Parliament, business, citizenship certifications, and Russian Jews, but significantly those dangerous links were not attributed to the Jewish Community of Lisbon (CIL), where a leader of the community (a person of integrity, despite being involved in some conflicts of interest) collaborated with parliament in the final drafting of the Sephardic law of Return, signed certificates of Sephardi origin (v.g. CIL certificate n.º 403/2015), was the owner of a law firm that handled a large number of cases of nationality processed in Portugal (https://www.cariamendes.pt/nacionalidade/) and had direct relations with the registry offices either as a lawyer, as board member of CIL, an inactive organization with little Jewish life, and that had certified, certainly rightly so, Russian Jews of Sephardic origin.
- Agents of State wanted to spit and tread on the Oporto Community, which merely certified Jews, so they attributed the dangerous links between law offices, Parliament, business, citizenship certifications, and Russian Jews to the Jewish Community of Oporto It was intended to destroy, which had asked the government for an international commission for certification, which had no special relations with registry offices, which had no nationality lawyers among its members (in the absence of any evidence of what they claimed, the antissemites imitated the Inquisition – v.g. Proc. 25, n.º 9927, Santo Ofício de Coimbra – by throwing into the bonfire a lawyer solely because of her surname), which had granted certificates to few Russian Jews (always supported by certificates of origin issued by entities recognized by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, as for as the recognised Rabbinates are the guardians of Jewish tradition and the key to who is or not Jewish and from which communities) and which over the years had created new synagogues, museums, films, kosher restaurants and a network of social supports.
https://www.jns.org/oporto-jewish-community-claims-wealthiest-members-targeted-in-anti-semitic-campaign/ and Opinion of 05-11-2013, as per pp. 253 et seq. of the book on https://oportojewishheritage.com/
- Agents of State (who didn't even know what a Jew was) knew that the Lisbon Jewish Community essentially certified non-Jews such as Father Jesus of Colombia (CIL certificate nº 1060/2016), and that its commission was made up essentially of non-Jews with no links to the Jewish world, the Jewish law and the Hebrew language, but in their view, incompetence was rampant in Oporto at the hands of a Chief Rabbi (who is recognised by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and graduated in Jewish studies and history) and all the Rabbinates recognized by the Rabbanut Harashit Israel.
Minutes nº 57, CIP/CJP, as per pp. 257 et seq. of the book https://oportojewishheritage.com/
- After the Oporto Jewish Community voluntarily abandoned the certification process in March 2022, the Jewish Community of Lisbon turned its back on non-Jews in Latin America (its core clientele since 2015), began demanding proof that they were Jews (which they obviously did not have and the CIL had never demanded for seven years) and gave absolute priority to the processes of Jews of Sephardic origin, charging €500,00 for each one before even producing a decision. In 2022, in the space of a few months, that institution tripled the number of cases it had received and charged for in seven years, from 40,000 to 140,000. It obtained more revenue in few months than the Jewish Community of Oporto had in seven years of work.
https://www.mundolusiada.com.br/artigos/descendentes-de-sefarditas-2022-annus-horribilis/ and https://oportojewishheritage.com, pages 126-127.
- Agents of State used journalists and influencers to expend all their energies on spitting in the face of the Oporto Jewish Community leaders, adding up the amount of the €250,00 fees that were charged to applicants for Sephardic certification and speculating about fake “lawyers’ deals”, conveniently forgetting the creation, by the Community, of a splendid religious, cultural and social infrastructure. This infrastructure was financed with income from the Jewish world for the Jewish world. None of this mattered to puppets who had been ordered to report the supposed quantities of gold improperly entering Hebrew coffers, which they did, using anonymous denunciations and anonymous sources from the world of marginality and from the most diverse sectors of the State. Journalistic corruption was added to State corruption.
https://www.jns.org/oporto-jewish-community-attempts-to-turn-tables-on-accusers-by-declaring-case-over/ and https://oportojewishheritage.com/, page 37.
- Agents of State knew and omitted the fact that individual members of CIP/CJP had already invested over a billion euros in this country, but preferred to use LUSA Portuguese news agency – through “anonymous socialist sources” – to spread the false news that one of the Israeli members of the Oporto Jewish Community had been arrested on corruption charges.
- Agents of State knew that the Lisbon Jewish Community had also certified, and rightly so, the owner of Altice (the State’s biggest private partner in SIRESP whose former president was robbed immediately after being fired), whom they wanted to bring down for being Jewish and rich, and so they threw his name into the CIP/CJP pot, with further "anonymous" denunciations.
https://firstmajorconspiracy.com/, page 82.
- Spared from the demolishing attack, in an unbelievably ostensive way, the Lisbon Jewish Community (CIL), which essentially certified non-Jews (alleged descendants of the allegedly Jewish victims of the Inquisition), continued, as in 2014, practically dead, immobilized, with aged and apathetic leaders, an empty Synagogue, a community devoid of kosher restaurants, of achdut centres or even museum and cultural facilities to work with the large numbers of youngsters in Portuguese schools. Nothing would justify the persecution of this honourable Community, but the way it was used and presented to the public – the symbol of purity in contrast to the darkness of Oporto – was burlesque, a kind of satire between that angelic Father Jesus and the terrible Sephardim. It is a true case of Soviet style antisemitism. See Ari Benami, “Between the Hammer and Sickle”, Bloch Editions, 1968, pp. 66-70.
https://oportojewishheritage.com/, page 40.
- The attempt to destroy the Jewish Community in Porto represented more than just that. Agents of the State had other objectives:
To eliminate Portuguese Jewish elites so that they could not harass national elites that have long parasitized the country and, for this purpose, revoke the citizenship of the holders of the greatest fortunes and other names contained in an absurd “black list” (again, “lists of Jews” and “Expelled Jews”).
To gain improper access to the correspondence of the Jewish Community of Oporto with the international Jewish community, including rabbinical authorities, B’nai B’rith International, the Anti-Defamation League, the European Jewish Association, CEJI, and the embassies of Israel, USA, UK, France, Sweden and other countries.
To destroy the “Sephardi Law of Return” in the midst of a scenario of terror, so that no one in the international Jewish community or Portuguese society could come forward in its defence.
To reject the influx of Israeli citizens interested in Portuguese citizenship (as more than 40,000 citizens of Israel have benefited from the law and this number was expected to grow) and to promote distance from that country, which comprises only 0.1% of the world’s population and is the most hated State. In the words of the President of the Portuguese Republic, the attack on the legislation “was a Palestinian cause of the Minister of Foreign Affairs”.
https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/antisemitism-persists-in-portugal/ and
https://oportojewishheritage.com/, page 41
- Immediately after the Lisbon police operation (led by Lisbon's political, economic, media and judiciary elites) that forever damaged the reputation of the Jewish community in Oporto, agents of State destroyed the Sephardic law due to a “Palestine issue”. Here is a personified “translation” of the new regulation, in its most shocking and most unfeeling part: “Show us the five-century-old will that one of your up to 524,288 seventh great-grandparents left for posterity before dying of grief at having seen the building where they resided, the Jewish quarter as a whole and the sacred Jewish cemetery where their ancestors rested all destroyed.”
Page 30 of https://oportojewishheritage.com/ and Minutes n.º 86 CIP/CJP, 22 September 2020 insert on pages. 269 and following the same source.
- Arab and Muslim countries like Qatar love some Portuguese agents of State, such as the man who promote the destruction of the Sephardic law due to a “Palestine issue”, and it would be lovely if Israel had reasons to attract similar friendly receptions.
- The Jewish Community of Oporto “decreed the end" of the passport case and demands an international investigation into a case of State corruption that involved nocturnal robbers, convicted slanderers, murderers and patients of psychiatric hospitals
- “Operation Open Door” (by break-in in at least three cases) repeated everything that history records with regard to the persecution of the Jewish community and, deliberately or not, is associated with a real criminal association that tried to eliminate a young Jew with a serious car accident and made use of expert thieves, individuals with psychoses, sentenced for defamation, specialists in the civic murder of fellow citizens, an extortionist posing as a genealogist (whose services the CIP/CJP had rejected as useless), professional slanderers that Judaism equates with leprosy, and other extras who will be recorded in history through appropriate means. This was the true “criminal association”.
https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/jewish-world/2023/02/in-portugal-an-invitation-for-the-descendants-of-expelled-jews-to-return-became-the-basis-of-an-anti-semitic-campaign/ and https://oportojewishheritage.com/, page 47.
- As for the other “criminal association”, the famous one, the one that was talked about on television, the one that was pursued by all the powers of the State in league with each other, that supposedly corrupted Civil Registry Offices and trafficked passports in exchange for money, this one died before being born. The Community officially announces the end of the regrettable process that was only possible with great State corruption. New inventions are expected, new charges, which will come late, very late, as happened in the case of the “Portuguese Dreyfus”, the founder of the Jewish Community of Oporto, a target of shameful last-minute improvisations, after the State tried to use the rabble of society and the crimes that were in fashion to destroy him and the Community he presided over.
https://oportojewishheritage.com/, page 47
- The game went too far. The Community will always require an international investigation into the case of Soviet-style anti-Semitism that occurred in Portugal and will immediately proceed to the Portuguese Courts (up to the European Court) to reinstate as colonel its founder known worldwide as “Portuguese Dreyfus”.
And so on.
Investigators will be presented with more information.