The Holocaust Museum of Oporto celebrates Yom HaShoah with hundreds of school students

The Holocaust Museum of Oporto celebrates Yom HaShoah with hundreds of school students

This Thursday (27th Nisan) hundreds of schoolchildren will visit the Holocaust Museum of Oporto (MHP) as usual every day of the week. However, something sets this day apart from the rest. The Museum is celebrating Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day -, the commemoration day for the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period.

The Mekor Haim Choir will sing appropriate songs and try to interact as best as possible with the students of the schools.

1. Barechu
2. Y’hiyu Le’Ratzon
3. Tzadik k’Tamar
4. Ani Ma’amin
5. Hatikvah

The Mekor Haim Choir was formed to teach, learn, and perform Jewish liturgical, Sephardi, and Hebrew music for the education and enjoyment of its members and of the community at large. It is composed of members of the Jewish community of Oporto, as well as others from the larger community with an interest in learning and performing Jewish music.

The Holocaust Museum of Oporto was created in 2021 by the Jewish Community of Oporto (CIP/CJP) in partnership with B’nai B’rith International and Holocaust museums around the world. It focuses on the general public, especially the younger ones, and invests in education, professional training for educators, promoting exhibitions and supporting research.

The space is supervised by members of the Jewish Community of Oporto whose parents, grandparents and relatives were victims of the Holocaust and is part of a strategy to combat antisemitism that already includes the Jewish Museum of Oporto, school visits to the Porto Synagogue, courses for teachers, history films and charity actions in partnership with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Oporto.