The scandal of the non-public disclosure of the "IRN report" on the nationality of Sephardim

The scandal of the non-public disclosure of the

The result of an investigation initiated at the end of 2021 by the Institute of Registries and Notaries (IRN) with the aim of investigating the procedures of the registry office regarding the attribution of nationality to Jews of Sephardic origin was never made public. The final report, dated March 2022, concluded that the procedures of the registry offices were "correct".

"This scandal by omission demonstrates the corruption of the system that wanted to kill an organized minority", declares the president of the Jewish Community of Porto, Gabriel Senderowicz. "Everyone remembers the festive atmosphere with which individuals from the government, the political press, and many others said daily that the IRN was doing an investigation into the corruption of registry offices. The final report was never made public because its result did not serve the murderous game," Senderowicz recalls.

Checking the news in the Portuguese press at that time, it can be seen that the IRN inquiry was widely reported, as a rule with titles such as "Roman Abramovich investigated by IRN", "IRN investigates Abramovich case" and other similar ones.

The Community stated at the time that "the government gave the multimillionaire nationality for reasons of national interest" and that "his Sephardic origins had been attested by the organization due to the fulfillment of legal criteria, namely family names and family memory attested by legitimate Jewish authorities".

The case did not end there. The Community donated to the registry office the 250 euros of the fee paid by the applicant and added that such a donation would serve for the registrars to "buy umbrellas" so as not to be affected by the denunciations abroad that the organization itself would make in the future.

The IRN, which as early as 2022 informed the Community of the results of its inquiry, added in its response that it had nothing to do with political and journalistic corruption, much less with anonymous whistleblowers with criminal records, mentally ill people with passages in psychiatric hospitals, thieves from law offices and the house of the former president of SIRESP,  and car saboteurs who dared to attempt on the life of a young French leader of one of the Community's synagogues.  

Gabriel Senderowicz states that "the concealment of this report is further proof of the political persecution that used all the country's institutions in its favor, to the point of sponsoring the illegal invasion of one of its largest synagogues in Europe by uncritical investigators who fanned anonymous complaints. We are still waiting for an apology and we regret to inform you that we continue and will continue to promote both Jewish life in our synagogues, as well as Jewish culture in our museums and in our films. This is indestructible."

The Jewish Community of Oporto recently announced that, in partnership with the Hispano Judia Foundation, a film about the kidnapping of 2,000 Jewish children during the reign of Dom João II will premiere in May 2025. The film is called within the Community as "Operation Open Door I" because it concerns the alleged and never proven illegal immigration of Spanish Sephardim. It is not known whether the Community will also make a film about "Operation Open Door II", although negotiations have already taken place with an American production company.