Mounted on a bike, small Sukkah-on-wheels will be roaming the streets of Oporto over the Holiday of Sukkot, giving everyone an opportunity to celebrate the important festival that begins tomorrow, on the evening of Shabbat.
The Oporto community wishes to make the sukkah as accessible as possible to everyone. Although the Kadoorie synagogue has two large sukkot set up during the seven days of celebrations, there are people who for illness or commitments cannot stay away from home. Most people don’t have a backyard or outdoor space, and finding parking in Oporto is not easy. Sukkah on the back of a bike is a natural alternative.
The new SukkahBike is open to everybody. Everyone is invited to hop on board to shake the Lulav and Etrog or to grab a bite in the Sukkah, a temporary structure covered by vegetation or bamboo that requires a space open to the skies.