It is the museum's new acquisition. A painting about a the Lisbon Genocide in 1506. The size is impressive: 1.5 in height and width. The author, Jorge Marinho, managed to bring together a wide variety of details on a single screen. The Convent of São Domingos. A burning pyre burns mortal remains. The angry and armed population. Jewish mothers holding their babies before they were killed. Bodies mutilated on the ground or transported by carts. Heads on spearheads. And much more.
This painting helps complete the history of the Jews in Portugal. As part of its action to promote Jewish culture, the Jewish Community of Porto has tried to give a filmic vision to the main events that marked the presence of Jews in Portugal. It produced films and documentaries that show what life was like for the Jewish community in the country, the fairs, the life of Beit midrash, the expulsion, the inquisition, the return in the 19th century, the Ashkenazi community in the 20th century, the construction of the synagogue greatest of Sefarad, the "Portuguese Dreyfus", the attempt to rescue the Marranos to Judaism, and everything that has happened to date, including a Soviet persecution carried out by weak elites who do not know History.
The Community also has a painting gallery, which is located in the three library rooms of the Kadoorie synagogue. All the paintings are also 1.5 m high and wide and portray the life of the Jewish community in Porto from the arrival of the first Jews to the present day, going through all periods of heyday and ruin, of life and death.