The book Judeus de Belmonte by João Manuel Braz was launched on December 20th, under the coordination of Nuno Borrego. This publication is part of a collection promoted by the ISCSP Jewish Studies Laboratory.
Jewish Studies Laboratory
The Jewish Studies Laboratory (LEJ) was established in 2015 at the ISCSP - University of Lisbon. Its goal is to complement the research framework of the Institute's research and development centers by focusing on the study of Sephardic heritage in Portuguese-speaking countries. It also aims to promote research on Jewish communities with Portuguese cultural and historical origins in contemporary contexts.
The research carried out by LEJ aligns with current trends in history, genealogy, anthropology, and international relations, centering on the dynamics of today's globalized world. It explores the diversity of forms of mobility that shape the complex relationships between people, cultures, and places. Rather than diminishing past cultural heritages, these movements reinforce them and foster new transnational connections. These connections often build on identities and both tangible and intangible cultural heritage—such as buildings and museums in the former case, and religion, rituals, and memory in the latter.
Executive Coordination: Mariana Pignatelli
Source: Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa