
Jewish Community of Oporto

To mark the festive day, the Jewish Community in Oporto opened the doors of community institutions to the public, including the Jewish Museum and the Holocaust Museum in the city.

1. The Sephardic Law was effectively destroyed through Executive Act 26/2022 of 18 March, which altered the regime applicable to the documents required for nationality processes for foreigners who are...

The event will take place on Sunday, September 4, from 10 AM to 5:30 PM, and will occupy all spaces of the Jewish Community of Oporto.

The Jewish Community of Porto sent the government a ten-point motion approved at the organization's meeting in Budapest that took place on June 20 and 21.

Uma organização brasileira que serve “descendentes de judeus” que não são judeus de acordo com nenhuma tendência do judaísmo, por mais liberal que seja, e que há sete anos trabalham exclusivamente com...

A Brazilian organisation at the service of “Jewish descendants” who are not Jewish (by any type of Judaism, however liberal it may be) and who have been working exclusively with the Jewish Community...