
Jewish Community of Oporto

"To the ancient persecutions of Jews based on the ideas of religion, culture, race, money, and success, now is added the despicable hatred of the State of Israel."

"Às milenares perseguições aos judeus assentes nas ideias de religião, cultura, raça, dinheiro e sucesso, soma-se agora o ódio desprezível ao Estado de Israel."

A handful of antisemites have succeeded in persecuting and defaming an entire community and its leadership.

Um punhado de antissemitas conseguiu perseguir e difamar toda uma comunidade e sua liderança.

The objective of the piece was to vilify the only strong Jewish community of Portugal and the 2013/2015 legislation that allowed Jews of Sephardic origin to acquire Portuguese nationality.

"In the room dedicated to modern antisemitism we can now find a new topic that arouses a lot of curiosity and astonishment", said representative of the cultural department of the Community.