The documentary film "1506 - The Lisbon Genocide" together with its trailer has already surpassed 2 million views on YouTube. This film production reports the murder of around 3000 Jews in the country's capital ten years after Dom Manuel's Expulsion Edict.
The film is part of the mission of the Jewish Community of Oporto to promote Jewish culture and history and joins other cinematographic productions of the organization ("Sefarad", "The Light of Judah", "1618" and "The Nun's Kaddish") that show the life of the Portuguese Jewish community before the expulsion, during the inquisitorial period and when the Jews returned to Portugal, mixed with very particular episodes such as the arrival in the country of Jewish refugees during the Second War, the Rescue Work of the Marranos and even an act of Catholic kindness of a nun about forty years ago.
The Community's cinematographic productions have an international reach. The organization also has two museums (the Jewish Museum and the Holocaust Museum) and a painting gallery to deal with the Portuguese public, especially teenagers. The Holocaust Museum practically monopolized teaching on the subject in Portugal.