Music from the Source: a special concert of Biblical verses for Shavuot by the Mekor Haim Choir

Music from the Source: a special concert of Biblical verses for Shavuot by the Mekor Haim Choir

The Mekor Haim Choir, conducted by Maestro Leonardo Mendonça,  will present a special concert of musical settings of Biblical verses in honor of the Shavuot holiday on June 14, 2024 in the Porto Holocaust Museum.

Shavuot is traditionally considered to be the time of the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. It is appropriate to celebrate the holiday by singing compositions that feature Biblical texts.

We will open our program with four selections from the Psalms. Psalm 92 that says that the righteous will flourish like the palm tree. The music is by the 19th century German composer Louis Lewandowski. This will be followed by two compositions by the Italian Jewish composer of the Baroque period, Salomone Rossi. Psalm 146  reminds us that justice will prevail when the bound are freed and the widow and the orphan are supported. Psalm 82 also explores the theme of justice and says that false and unjust judges will be deposed, with the restoration of universal justice. Psalm 19 verse 14, set to music by the 20th Century American composer, Ernest Bloch, hopes that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts are acceptable.

The second part of the program will include 2 selections from the Sabbath evening prayers. These are Veshomeru, with words from Exodus 31:16 and music by Louis Lewandowski, and Magen Avot, arranged for four voices by the 20th century Israeli composer Yehezkel Braun.

The program continues with four songs of memory. Avinu Malkeinu from the Yom Kippur liturgy is presented in an arrangement by David Ben Or. Raisins and Almonds from the 19th Century opera Shulamis by Goldfaden is a classic Yiddish lullaby. A setting of Ani Ma’amin arranged by Seth Wohl and the national anthem of Israel Hatikva, in a 17th century Italian setting by Guiseppe Cenci, will conclude the program.

All are welcome to join us for this special concert.

Please contact for more information or if you are interested in joining the choir.


Date and time: Friday, June 14th, at 3:30 p.m.

Location: The Holocaust Museum of Porto, 790 Rua do Campo Alegre