Group of Israeli tourists visiting Coimbra claims to have been victims of insults and violence by pro-Palestinian supporters

Group of Israeli tourists visiting Coimbra claims to have been victims of insults and violence by pro-Palestinian supporters

Last week, a group of around twenty Israeli tourists, mainly women, had a bad experience when visiting the most emblematic places in Coimbra. During a tour of the city, which was intended to be carried out in a peaceful and touristic spirit, the group came across a protest organized by pro-Palestinian protesters who expressed their passionate convictions against Israel.
What happened next was reported to PJN by one of the leaders of the Israeli tourist group. "As soon as a member of our group displayed an Israeli flag, one of the pro-Palestinian activists tried to snatch the flag from him in an atmosphere of exaltation and we began to be insulted, mainly by a girl with a crazed look: “you are fascists” , “Israel is racist” and so on.”

"What we saw were young people in their twenties directing verbal attacks and threats against adults and the elderly. A 78-year-old Israeli woman, faced with such an insulting and inconceivable scene, raised her cell phone and began filming the events. But soon another girl from the pro-Palestine group grabbed the cell phone from the elderly woman's hands and threw it on the ground."

The spirits became more and more heated, according to the same source. "These protesters were as fanatical as they are ignorant, incredibly blind. There was no point trying to explain that we just want peace and that to do so it is necessary to destroy a terrorist organization that terrorizes not only the citizens of Israel but also its own population."

The insults and threats continued, until the group decided to leave for the university in order to continue their tourist trip. But it wasn't all over. More than an hour after the clashes, two police officers arrived together with the activists to collect identification of members of the Israeli group.
"In summary, what happened speaks volumes about the total moral decadence of European civilization. Ignorant young people shout hatred against older people, they set up platforms in the streets to spread their ignorance about conflicts in areas of the globe they don't know, they insult others, they tear up Israeli flags, break elderly people's cell phones and then spread the word in the local press that they were attacked and victims of racism and xenophobia. We thought this could only happen in a mental hospital", he concludes.