Book "The Day that Changed Israel" - the Hamas massacre told by the survivors, written by the journalist Helena Ferro de Gouveia


Book "The Day that Changed Israel" - the Hamas massacre told by the survivors, published by  Oficina do Livro, September 2024, and written by the journalist Helena Ferro de Gouveia.


October 7, 2023, became one of the most devastating dates in Israel’s contemporary history. On that Black Saturday, the brutality and scale of Hamas’ attack shocked Israel and the world. But the widespread outrage was short-lived.

Even before all the bodies had been buried, the massacre was already being relativized and contextualized, despite the images of extreme violence captured by the perpetrators themselves, the evidence found on the victims’ cell phones, and the harrowing testimonies of the survivors.

The scale of the terror that Hamas had unleashed on southern Israel was evident and proven by several sources, but many voices were soon heard trying to justify the unjustifiable.

The result of several weeks of reporting on the ground, this is the story of October 7, told by those who lived through it and survived it.

A testimony against oblivion.