
Xenophobia understood as the dislike for strange, unusual people or people who come from outside the country is now a trend. The history of humanity is marked by intolerance and hatred towards ethnic and religious groups, with Jews being the target of persistent xenophobia throughout the centuries.

From ancient times to the modern era, the Jewish community has faced persecutions, expulsions, and genocides due to deep-seated prejudices and conspiracy theories. This xenophobia is not static or isolated but rather a cycle that repeats over time, affecting each generation of Jews differently.

In the digital age, xenophobia towards Jews manifests insidiously on social media and extremist websites. These spaces provide fertile ground for the spread of hatred, normalizing and amplifying prejudices against the historically persecuted Jewish community by antisemitism.

Online platforms and extremist sites allow for the rapid and massive dissemination of anti-Semitic propaganda, fuelling a cycle of radicalization and extremism. Most concerning is how hatred towards Jews has become “trendy,” with young people influenced by extremist rhetoric finding validation and reinforcement of their prejudices online. Disinformation intertwines with memes and tasteless jokes, normalizing intolerance and rendering it acceptable in certain virtual circles.

The anonymity afforded by the internet also facilitates the expression of extreme opinions without fear of real-world repercussions, creating a toxic environment where hate speech flourishes unchecked, further exacerbating xenophobia against Jews and other marginalized groups.

Despite the world’s promises of “never again,” xenophobia towards Jews persists, manifesting in attacks on Israel, synagogue vandalism, terrorism, and hate speech on social media, creating a climate of fear and insecurity for many Jews worldwide.

The fight against xenophobia towards Jews must be a continuous and global effort. This new generation of young people has the commitment to teach our history and strive to promote tolerance, education, and mutual respect in society. Because We Do Remember and we say Never Again.

Source: Human Rights - written by young jews from 40 countries with support of B'nai B'rith International Portugal and International Observatory of Human Rights