
The Holocaust happened 80 years ago. I always imagined that it would be centuries before there were further discriminations against human beings in general and the Jews in particular. But, today, I can testify the opposite in Brussels, at the heart of Europe.

I never thought that I would have to remove the mezuzah from the threshold of the door to my house, or to walk in fear in the street, or that we would have private security in the building where I work in Brussels because of the steep rise in antisemitism. We do not deserve to live with fear in our homeland.

We should be able to use our Magen Davids, our kippot and our flags of Israel with pride and confidence. However, this exercise in exposure is becoming suicidal. We cannot be ashamed of who we are, not even for a second, but violence is just around the corner.

Unfair or prejudiced distinctions between human beings, based on groups, classes or other categories to which they belong or appear to belong, is a question of human rights. People who suffer discrimination are limited in their potential for human development and the exercise of active citizenship. Their consequences lead to social exclusion, fear, suffering and often premature death.

I speak in the name of the oldest form of discrimination - antisemitism -, which has not deserved the attention paid to other types of discrimination. The Jews have progressively been abandoned, unlike Black people, gypsies, migrants, sexual minorities and others. Why? Throughout history, the Jewish people has suffered discrimination and persecution, but the Jews are still views as people who do not need protection. History may repeat itself. States, governments, the press and universities do nothing to change this situation, quite the opposite.

Decision-makers in Europe must understand that talking is not enough. Making speeches for the newspapers is not enough. They must act. One day, it will be too late.

Source: Human Rights - written by young jews from 40 countries with support of B'nai B'rith International Portugal and International Observatory of Human Rights