Pretoria demanded that the ICJ order an immediate end to IDF operations in Gaza • Israeli FM calls proceedings "the greatest show of hypocrisy in history."
Pretoria demanded that the ICJ order an immediate end to IDF operations in Gaza • Israeli FM calls proceedings "the greatest show of hypocrisy in history."
Foreign countries that issue passports to hostages in Gaza could provide a layer of protection to the victims.
The group, Mothers of Combat Soldiers, said every time the secretary of state visits he demands more from Israel.
That’s according to unpublished data from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino.
After two months, "The New York Times" determined these assaults on women were part of a pattern of Hamas-perpetrated gender-based violence.
“Everywhere around Israel, there is one actor that continues to pull the strings, though its proxies, and this is Iran,” says Albania’s envoy.