Before the Second World War there were 9 million Jews on the old continent, today only 1 million and they continue to leave, especially after October 7th.
Before the Second World War there were 9 million Jews on the old continent, today only 1 million and they continue to leave, especially after October 7th.
The expectation that the impact of the Oct. 7 attacks and a surge in antisemitism would prompt a shift in the way Jewish groups operate was probably misplaced.
Israel “will not forget and we will not forgive” until the Brazilian president expresses contrition for his words, Foreign Minister Israel Katz said.
"Seeing this young mother clutching her babies surrounded by a group of armed terrorists is horrifying."
Under the P.A.'s "pay for slay" policy, Ramallah disburses monthly salaries to terrorists and their families.
Francesca Albanese said the terrorists acted in response to "oppression" and not out of Jew-hatred.