
Sephardic Jews

Uma organização brasileira que serve “descendentes de judeus” que não são judeus de acordo com nenhuma tendência do judaísmo, por mais liberal que seja, e que há sete anos trabalham exclusivamente com...

A Brazilian organisation at the service of “Jewish descendants” who are not Jewish (by any type of Judaism, however liberal it may be) and who have been working exclusively with the Jewish Community...

Antisemitism is a sad reality that is older than time; it should not be handled with biased caution. Portugal is not immune to this horror. That is the thing.

O anti-semitismo, que é uma realidade infeliz e mais antiga que o tempo, não pode, por motivo algum, ser tratado com pinças de interesses. Portugal não escapa a esse terror. Essa é que é.

The Portuguese Parliament wanted to know the opinion of the Jewish community of Porto on possible changes to the law that allows the citizenship of Jews of Sephardic origin.

In the context of the game led by state agents who, since March 2020, have been trying to destroy the law that grants citizenship to descendants of Sephardic Jews, now they found yet another case of...