Portuguese Jewish School: the first online Jewish School in Portugal

Portuguese Jewish School: the first online Jewish School in Portugal

The Portuguese Jewish School is an online project that aims to provide basic courses in Jewish religion, culture and history to young Jews in accordance with Jewish tradition. The project offers Jewish education as an after School program with short lessons in video format, 15 minutes each, with simple and condensed messages.

Classes are available in Hebrew, English and French to meet the needs of the growing and international Jewish population. The videos can be viewed consecutively, allowing each student to advance at their own pace. When a course is successfully completed, the student may go on to beginning of the next course.

Says Rabbi Eli Rosenfeld, "Studying the Torah is not at all like studying another subject, when we study Torah, we connect to our core essence of who we are, allowing our soul to grow and flourish. With this goal in mind, each week we will add a new class, full of Torah ideas, with all aspects of Judaism. The first three classes will cover, Passover, the counting of the Omer and Lag Baomer, as well as Shavuot. In the following weeks, each week an additional class will be added. The classes are geared to students of all ages, from pre-Bar and Bat Mitzvah as well as for adults. In Jewish tradition we never stop learning!"

Ready to start? Sign up here for yourself and your children.