Families of hostages kidnapped by Hamas are received by the President of the Portuguese Republic

Families of hostages kidnapped by Hamas are received by the President of the Portuguese Republic

Families are received by the President of Portugal. Credit: Embaixada de Israel em Portugal

This week, seven families of hostages kidnapped by Hamas on the terrible massacre of 7 October reached Portugal. On Monday, 5 February, the group took part in a solidarity even in Cascais, in the presence of the Mayor of Cascais, Carlos Carreiras, and members of the local Jewish community.

The group took part in a solidarity even in Cascais. Credit: Embaixada de Israel em Portugal

At the time, these families – all with links to Portugal – shared their stories and asked the country to do everything in its power to bring their loved ones home again.

The group was received by the President of the Portuguese Republic. Credit: Embaixada de Israel em Portugal

On Tuesday, the group was received by the President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who declared that Portugal is maintaining pressure to ensure the hostages come home.

Today, 7 February, on the date marking four months after the massacre, these seven families will be in Oporto, where they will be received by the local Jewish community.