
European Union

It’s “absolutely” possible that a far-right party could be good for Israel yet bad for the Jews, said the European Jewish Association chairman.

Hungary’s government is despised by liberals. But Budapest is Israel’s only real ally in the European Union and, as long as Viktor Orbán remains in power, the Jews there are safe.

U.S. envoy to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the Council Israel had accepted the proposed ceasefire and that the onus was now on Hamas.

The European Jewish Association criticized the move, saying that Madrid "has lost its way."

Israeli Ambassador to Portugal Dor Shapira wrote that "the prosecutor is just looking for headlines, the ICC has no jurisdiction over the case".

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin says that an attack on a synagogue was an “act of anti-Semitism” and denounced the “despicable” violence against France’s Jewish population.