
Jewish Community of Oporto

The Jewish Community of Oporto celebrated the European Day of Jewish Culture, on which the Synagogue, the Jewish Museum, the Holocaust Museum and kosher restaurants were open to the general public.

"Returning from trench warfare, my grandfather saw the official foundation of the Jewish Community in Oporto as a mission of the soul."

Messages such as "Zionist house" and "Zionist welcome [trash]" were vandalized at one of the busiest addresses in Oporto

Thousands of visitors are expected on Sunday 1 September at the Kadoorie Synagogue, the Holocaust Museum, and the Jewish Museum and its cinema.

The Mekor Haim Choir is proud to present a special concert devoted to Jewish songs about the family on Sunday September 1, 2024 at 12:00 noon in the Kadoorie Mekor Haim Synagogue in Porto.

Film tells the dark story of the Jewish revolt against Rome, and the devastating civil war that led to the destruction of Jerusalem and its Second Temple.