
Sephardic Jews

Community reserves more documents about the applicant and the people who created the "scandal" and why.

The renowned historian is proud to be Portuguese and no one had the audacity to say that he is in possession of a supposed "convenience passport".

"I have in my possession the portrait of David Ricardo that hung in my grandfather's office in Piccadilly," says Nabarro.

Community of Porto will donate to the Registry Office the 250 euro fees that were paid to it by "oligarchs".

Comunidade do Porto vai doar à Conservatória os emolumentos de 250 euros que lhe foram pagos por "oligarcas".

The president of the Jewish Community of Oporto, Gabriel Senderowicz, and the vice-president, Dara Jeffries, participated in the online conference "Raíces de Sefarad: La Comunidad Judía de Porto".