
Torture, one of the most egregious violations of human rights, persists in various parts of the world despite efforts to eradicate it. This inhumane practice, which inflicts severe physical or psychological pain in order to obtain information, punish or intimidate, is an insult to human dignity and the fundamental principles of justice.

History records numerous cases of torture used as a tool of oppression and control by authoritarian regimes and dictatorships. However, even in established democracies, cases of abuse by state agents or paramilitary groups have been documented.

The effects of torture are devastating and long-lasting. Victims, often innocent, experience physical and psychological trauma that can last a lifetime. Survivors face difficulties in rebuilding their lives, facing social stigma and mental health problems.

Despite the universal prohibition of torture in international treaties and national laws, its complete eradication remains a challenge. Impunity, lack of accountability and the complicity of some sectors hinder efforts to combat this practice.

It is essential that States comply with their obligations to prevent and punish torture. This implies strengthening oversight and control mechanisms, guaranteeing access to justice and reparations for victims, and promoting a culture of respect for human rights.

In addition, international collaboration is crucial to address this problem in a comprehensive manner. Cooperation between countries in the investigation and prosecution of torture cases can contribute significantly to justice and future prevention.

Ultimately, the eradication of torture requires a strong and sustained commitment from all actors, both at the national and international levels where human rights are truly universal and respected.

Source: Human Rights - written by young jews from 40 countries with support of B'nai B'rith International Portugal and International Observatory of Human Rights