
If we start the topic of slavery, the topic that comes to mind is “modern slavery”. Modern slavery encompasses new dimensions, including social media slavery. This phenomenon involves the coercion, manipulation, and exploitation of individuals through online platforms for various purposes, such as forced labour, sexual exploitation, and financial gain. Social media platforms can be used to deceive, groom, and trap vulnerable individuals, particularly young people, into situations of exploitation and abuse. This form of modern slavery not only
perpetuates harmful power dynamics but also amplifies the reach and scale of exploitation, posing significant challenges for law enforcement and regulatory agencies. Efforts to combat modern slavery must therefore include measures to address the digital landscape and protect
individuals from exploitation in the virtual realm.

Ensuring our children don’t become slaves to social media requires concerted efforts from parents, educators, and communities. It’s imperative that we establish healthy boundaries and educate young minds on the value of real-world interactions over digital engagement. Encouraging activities that foster creativity, physical activity, and face-to-face communication can greatly reduce the risk of social media addiction. Furthermore, teaching children about the importance of privacy, the impact of their digital footprint, and the skills to critically assess online information are essential steps. By prioritizing digital wellness and mindfulness, we can guide our children to use social media as a tool for positive connection and learning, rather than a platform that consumes their identity and time.

Source: Human Rights - written by young jews from 40 countries with support of B'nai B'rith International Portugal and International Observatory of Human Rights