
Jewish Museum of Oporto

O trailer será apresentado em 30 de dezembro de 2023 e a produção cinematográfica inteira terá estreia mundial em 19 de abril de 2024.

The trailer will be presented on December 30, 2023 and the world premiere of the film will take place on 19 April 2024.

The president of the Jewish Community of Oporto, Gabriel Senderowicz, and the vice-president, Dara Jeffries, participated in the online conference "Raíces de Sefarad: La Comunidad Judía de Porto".

Wise Moroccan Jews instituted a special Purim for having escaped the forced conversion under King D. Sebastião in 1578

The programme included visits to Kadoorie Synagogue, the Holocaust Museum and the Jewish Museum of Oporto.

Thousands of people participate in the “European Days of Jewish Culture” in Oporto The Synagogue and the Jewish and Holocaust Museums had great programming throughout the day.